Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How to Promote your Blog with Twitter Marketing

Most businesses overlook the power of Twitter Marketing hence fail to consider it in their marketing strategy. Twitter as a marketing tool, can bring in great results in terms of audience reach, conversions, sales leads etc. Actually, Twitter is a vital tool to many businesses growth online.
To start, you need a good marketing strategy in place, that involves Twitter as a Social media marketing tool.
So, how can one use Twitter effectively? Let us look at the key factors that you need to consider when using Twitter as a marketing tool for your website or business.
How Twitter can be used as a Marketing Tool

Create a Compelling Profile Description
Your Profile should be comprehensive with Key information on your business. This is the place you need to show what your website/business is about. This is the first point of interaction between you and your potential customer, therefore ensure anyone can be able to know what your website is all about without even visiting the website. Include location and a link to your website, and or your landing page or services page. Be clear and concise, so that you can drive your point home in the most easiest way possible.
Use your Header Image Correctly
Don't just upload any image in your header that does not show anything to do with your website or business or doesn't tell people more about your website. Create a Header Image that provides a message to your Twitter audience so that when they see it, they know what your business is all about.
Tweet Frequently
Note, the life of a tweet is very short, send out tweets frequently that are new, educative, inspiring, and provide value to your audience.
Share other people's content
One way of attracting other people's attention, and increasing your followers is retweeting, and sharing other people's content. Many, will follow you, or retweet your content back.
Participate in Twitter Chats
I use Twitter chats to meet new audience, and interact with Twitter Users, These new people you meet, are potential customers and even followers.

Use Twitter Lists
Twitter lists helps me as a website owner to keep up with the new people I meet on Twitter, and wouldn't want to forget about them. Twitter list, makes it easy to find these people, and check on their tweets regularly, or contact them.
Engage with your followers
Don't make it a habit of just tweeting your own tweets. Make retweets, like tweets from accounts of your followers. This is how people will recognize your website or business online or remember your brand name.
Use the Pinned Tweet Effectively
Use the pinned tweet, to advertise what you offer at your website. This way anyone visiting your Twitter profile can see what exactly you sell online.
Use Hashtags
Hashtags is a powerful tool that can amplify your content reach on Twitter. Leverage on hashtags that are used in your niche, or create yours and stick to them. Use hashtags whenever you are tweeting. Whenever I make any new tweet, I include hashtags. This makes it easy for people to discover the tweets even days later.
Bottom line
Twitter has enabled many websites and businesses to grow online. If you are a blogger, or you own a business website, you need to consider using Twitter as a marketing tool. Remember to consider what I have discussed above when utilizing Twitter in your marketing strategy.

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